As a modern open minded office, we would like to welcome everyone.
Yes, we do accept new patients.
Even, if your native language is not German or English.
We offer all services of a general practitioner.
This includes Vaccinations, Travel medicine, Blood sample, ECG, Lung function tests.
We offer video consultations too.
Please make the appointment for videoconsultation over this link:
If you would like to make a video consultation as a first consultation, please be prepared.
(Insurance and ID card are necessary).
If you do not have a German health insurance card you will receive a bill or you need to pay cash or by card.
Credit Cards and PayPal are accepted.
It is necessary to make an appointment and to confirm it.
(Only when you receive a confirmation e-mail is your appointment secure.
Dr. med. Jürgen Kolbeck Weidenallee 12 20357 Hamburg
Telefon: 04o-84306795 Fax: 04o-57285783 Mail: mail@dr-juergen-kolbeck.de